Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and style
Machine Wash Without Fade
Within 5 Days fast shipping
All of our t
-shirts are made with 100% cotton, extremely comfy to wear, and are guaranteed to last. Wear your shirt with pride!We are on the Internet to provide you with a variety of high quality clothing, so you can sit at home to buy your favorite and meet your quality products! They have a reasonable price, and a variety of colorful patterns!
An everyday essential, this simple round
-neck t
-shirt is cut from the finest cotton with an extra
-soft feel. A relaxed fit, it has a ribbed round neckline, short sleeves and neat top
-stitched edges. Made of Premium 100% cotton, giving you the best that we can offer.
Dear friend, Our T shirts are Asian Size
-2cm differs due to manual measurement) #tshirt , #Custom, #tshirts . #Fashion, #Cotton , #jacket #clothing
Delivery Time: | 7-15 Working Days |
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- SKU 2245207416_TH
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