DUAL CHANNEL: | This black wireless microphone system by Pyle Pro has dual frequency channel and broad audio response range with low distortion so you can enjoy cordless singing to karaoke music and mobility for energetic on-stage performance |
STABLE SIGNAL & CLEAR SOUND: | This professional portable wireless microphone set has a high-frequency channel and high signal over noise ratio performance for capturing high-quality audio. Ideal for professional engagement, conference |
INDEPENDENT MIC VOLUME CONTROL: | Each dynamic or clip lapel lav mic features its own volume control so you can balance the vocals as desired for a karaoke experience that both kids and adults will enjoy. Perfect for PA, the Dj party |
CONVENIENT POWER SWITCH: | Both the receiver and the dynamic mic has a power ON / OFF switch and the receiver has a LED signal indicator light and dual independent antenna. Plug your unit into your mixer, amplifier, or speaker with a 1/4" mono cable |
WHAT'S IN THE BOX: | The package includes a receiver base, handheld, lavalier and headset microphone, bodypack transmitter, 1/4'' audio connection cable. The device can be used outdoor and indoor/personal home use |
āļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāđāļāļāļēāļ° Karaoke Systems
- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 976398560_TH
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