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-Months Free Exchange
âĨã5G Dual
-Band WiFi VersionãLABRICK X90 comes with dual
-band WIFI
-there are 5G and
2.4G WIFI for you to choose, 5G WiFi can quickly access the network.
2.4GWiFi connection is stable.
âĨãLong Lasting BatteryãEquipped with a long
-lasting and environmentally compliant 6000 mAh battery, this 10
-inch tablet will effortlessly provide you with up to 8 hours of support for reading, browsing, watching movies and playing games. The long
-lasting battery life and lightweight design allow you to enjoy your tablet anywhere, anytime.
âĨãDual Cameras & SpeakersãWith front 5 MP & Rear 13 MP dual cameras, which would bring your excellent photos and clear video chats. Dual speakers are designed to provide high
-quality and powerful sound for your favorite music, games and videos.
âĨãDual SIM SlotsãThe LABRICK X90 built
-in Dual SIM slots and one tf card slot. Support 2G/3G/4G/5G.
âĨãSuperior Watching ExperienceãLABRICK X90 is powered by Octa
-Core Processor. 2021 upgraded Android 10 tablet provides + 40% faster processing speed than regular Quad
-inch Tablet screen size with 1920x1200 resolution support, perfect for home entertainment and office.
âĨãPowerful storage spaceãThe tablet has 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM storage space. With TF card slot, the maximum memory can be expanded to 128GB using TF card. You have enough space to store files, photos, videos and download more apps.
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