Children's socks (5pairs in)
(if it's between two sizes, the bigger one is recommended)
Elastic top of socks
Cotton for sweat absorption and ventilation
One piece knitting technology, no seam, more comfortable
-environmental printing and dyeing, without formaldehyde, fluorescent agent and other toxic substances
Wash at below 30â and hang to dry
The owner Tiger Mom is in the source of goods, gathering the best products from powerful manufacturers.
âĻâĻOnce the package is sent out and cannot be returned, please talk to me if you have any questions, and Tiger Mom will solve it for you.
âĻâĻBefore delivery, Tiger Mom will check the correctness of the goods and the packaging is complete, but because of the daily handling of more goods, it is inevitable that omissions, if you find any problems with the goods you receive, please take pictures immediately and chat with Tiger Mom, Tiger Mom must be as soon as possible Solve it for you, thank you for your understanding
For mommy and baby items, material safety must be the most important thing. The owner, Tiger Mom, is feeding the baby. She usually likes to research various maternal and baby products. All the products in the shop must choose suppliers with authoritative verification such as SGS, Only things with clear materials and scientific and safe design will be selected. Please do not over compare with general products.
[material]: | combed cotton |
[size]: | |
S -1-3-Year-old: | Length of sole12cm,Recommended foot length12-14cm |
M 3-5-Year-old: | Length of sole14cm ,Recommended foot length14-16cm |
L 5-8-Year-old: | Length of sole16cm, recommended foot length16-18cm |
XL 8-12-Year-old: | Length of sole18cm,Recommended foot length18-21cm |
[description]: | |
â Reminder: |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2060500562_TH
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