-out massage to twist the waist plate, fat burning (after the exercise, can tell you the energy consumed during exerciseBurning fat provides a clear result for your weight
-loss plan)Magnetic therapy massage (in use, through the acupuncture points on the pathological reflex area of ââthe foot, friction heat, when the magnetic wave passes throughWhen it reaches the human body, a vortex
-like secondary current occurs inside the cell, which turns into Joule heat in the body, which helpsGood health, and anti
-inflammatory and analgesic effect)Thin waist and beautiful legs (when exercising, the waist, chest, legs, and abdomen can be exercised to achieve a thin waist,Breast enlargement and legs, enhance skin elasticity, etc.)Non
-slip design (like a skateboard that does not require sports and an endless hula hoop, easy to use, simple and easy to practice)(3) Stepper function, excellent product structure, equipped with two "hydraulic buffer rods" to eliminate the friction of the knee joint during exercise,And more beneficial to the stretching of muscles and bones. Attach a computer monitor for your exercise management.You can adjust the exercise intensity you need, and step on the front of the foot pedal to increase the exercise intensity. Let you burn fat unconsciously,Specially exercise the waist, abdomen, legs and other parts to create a perfect curve. It takes no space and is easy to collect.
Product category: | StepperItem No. |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 1114978001_TH
- āļĢāđāļēāļāļāđāļē IRLJZ7 SHORE
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