Supply of goods categories: | spot |
Whether to support OEM: | no support |
Support OEM: | no support |
The fabric name: | diving cloth |
Main fabric content: | chlorine fiber (chlorofibre) |
The content of the main fabric content: | 100 |
Other brands: | |
Functions: | to protect the waist toning belly in |
Item no: | 473 |
Origin: | zhejiang |
Suitable for season: | spring autumn winter and summer |
Thickness: | ordinary |
Whether the inventory: | no |
Whether foreign trade: | it is |
Whether the seamless: | no |
Error range: | 1-2 cm |
Is there a keel: | no |
Is there a double-breasted: | it is |
Whether imports: | no |
Colors: | red purple blue black |
Size: | S M L XL XXL 3 XL |
Downstream of the main platforms: | wish amazon independent stand speed sell tong LAZADA ebay |
Major sales areas: | northeast Asia southeast Asia Europe Middle East South America North America |
Whether cross-border exports for the supply of goods: | it is |
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- SKU 2434158281_TH
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