10.5 Air Mini 4 3 2 Kindle Nexus Samsung Tab For ãCompatibilityã The tablet stand applies to 4
-13 inch Tablet PC like new for iPad 2017 Pro
9.7 /
10.5, Air mini Surface Pro, Samsung tablet. If you use a tablet larger than 12 inches and find that it is not stable to use, please put it horizontally, which helps maintain more stability. ãAdjustableã The tablet stand adjusts easily, supports both portrait and landscape viewing. The hook width of the bracket is 18mm, please make sure the thickness of your tablet or tablet with the case on is not more than 18mm (
0.71 inch). ãSturdy construction and padsã The rubber pads and the feet of the tablet stand can protect your device from daily scratches and slipping ãSmart Lifestyleã Perfect for gaming, watching videos, viewing photos, reading, writing, recording video and Lamicall provides you with a lifetime warranty
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