-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Delicate appearance seems fashion and beautiful.
High quality material water bottle can be stable and durable.
Lightweight design convenient for carrying with.
Suitable for outdoor cycling riding, mountain bike road bike universal.
-proof cap design protect the kettle and water from dust.
Please do not install boiling water, you can install cold water or warm water!
Please wash your bottle it with warm water before you use.
1 x Sports Water Bottle + Holder Cage
Description: | |
Type: | Water Bottles |
Capacity: | 650ml |
Style: | Sport |
Applicable People: | Adults |
Water Flowing Method: | Direct Drinking |
Feature: | Stocked,Eco-Friendly |
Bottle Mouth: | Round |
Outdoor Activity: | Camp |
Material: | Aluminum |
Boiling Water: | Applicable |
Shape: | With Lid |
Thermal Insulation Performance: | None |
Features: | |
Package included: |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2431458542_TH
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